Gerlach-Ely Model

The Addie model is one of two dozen models used today for course creation and learning. It is the most traditionally used model in the field of education and it is also the second most popular and traditional of all models in education design. [Sources: 4, 7]

The model for the teaching design is based on a teaching scenario and provides guidelines and frameworks for the designers to create their train routines. The only goal is to achieve the training objectives so that the apprentices can acquire knowledge and then retain it for the rest of their lives. Systematic planning is the main focus here, as this model clearly describes how the learning results we want to achieve can be achieved. [Sources: 6, 10]

The fourth step is performance evaluation (Gustafson & Branch, 1997), and the final steps are analysis and feedback. The ASSURE method analyses the student on the basis of the defined goals, while the Gerlach-Ely method reverses the first step by indicating the goals and then evaluating the learner’s entry behaviour. [Sources: 4, 5]

While the Gerlach-Ely model divides the steps into five simultaneous steps, the ASSURE method describes each step as a “selection step for media material.” This step is not included in the GerlACH – Ely model, as there is no provision where the definition of the strategy could include this step, unlike in the previous phases. [Sources: 4]

Although I cannot possibly discuss every ID model that is used in practice or that can be cited in the literature, there are a few other guidance models that are useful. Click on the links below to learn more about the few ID models I have studied in this course. After checking the details of each model, I will tell you what the course design model is and why it is worth thinking about it at all. [Sources: 2, 8, 9]

According to the Gerlach-Ely model, the teacher is responsible for the selection of the content. The philosophy behind the model is described by the following statement: “I like the GerlACH Ely method because it recognizes that different aspects of teaching can be the work of a single classroom. Certainly there is not one thing a teacher or designer should consider, but I think there are some focal points. Although it is tailored to the class teacher, it may also be suitable for this model to best address the level of units, modules, lessons and courses. [Sources: 0, 3, 4, 9]

While PIE focuses on when, why and how, I encourage you to think about how technology helps shape curricula. [Sources: 8]

The Gerlach-Ely model can be summarized as follows: First steps are taken to identify learning goals that are closely linked to the teaching goals and the system itself. The model also shows the relationship between each of these components and provides sequential patterns that can develop strategies for good teaching and learning. The teacher will then judge how the learners enter an activity based on the learner’s previous knowledge. A final step in the Ger lacher Ely model is the analysis of feedback begging for analysis and feedback. [Sources: 0, 4, 5]

This provides a useful roadmap to ensure that important aspects of course design are not overlooked while the course is available to students. When we talk about the whole addie process, we refer to the guiding design model. With Models of Assure and the Addie Carey model, instructional developers can identify performance problems in students and then decide which instructional model works best. [Sources: 1, 2, 10]

This model was developed to help teachers understand the level of needs of their learners and thus be able to plan the teaching and learning activities that are most suitable for each learner. One of the strengths of this model is that it takes into account the role and attitude of each individual teaching process, similar to the flower model in 1976. This model is characterised by its time-related and teacher-related characteristics as conditions for student performance. An analysis of different teaching models shows that these models have their differences, but are basically similar models, because we need to provide certain components and levels that are universal for all courses. [Sources: 3, 11]

Gage and Berliner (1992) developed a model of the teaching process that focuses on the variables that class teachers must take into account in their design to provide lessons to students. ADDIE is evaluated and performs a basic process, as illustrated in Figure 2, which is a clear part of the teaching design, regardless of which model is used. [Sources: 8, 11]

The Gerlach – Ely design model reflects a teacher’s orientation towards concepts of teaching design. The Gerlach-Ely model focuses on systematic planning with clearly defined teaching objectives and a clear goal of achieving the desired learning outcomes. The review of previous steps focuses on the re-examination of decisions on the chosen objectives and strategies. [Sources: 5, 12]

The guiding design model gives structure and meaning to the ID problem by allowing the would-be designer to negotiate the design. In addition, it gives the user the identification of the guide – design problem structure, meaning and control over the design, which allows him or her to negotiate the designs. The model of the pattern designs also gives in i.D. of the problem of the pattern – the design structure and meaning by giving the would-be – its designer the opportunity to negotiate the design, control over its design. [Sources: 9, 11]


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