Cognitive Apprenticeship (Edmondson)

Unlike traditional teaching professions, where apprentices learn a craft such as tailoring or woodworking by working with a master or teacher, cognitive training enables the master to model behavior in a real context through cognitive modeling. Unlike traditional teaching professions, where the apprentice learns a craft such as tailoring or woodworking while working for a master or teacher, cognitive training allows the master to model behavior within a “real-world” context through cognitive modelling. Clinical skills learned in technologically rich and authentic learning environments. Assessment of the effects of telepresence – enabled cognitive training in clinical practice in the field of neuroscience. [Sources: 1, 8, 10]


Through the use of processes such as modelling and coaching, cognitive courses support the three stages of competence acquisition described in the specialist literature. Through modelling and coaching, the master of cognitive training also supports the “three phases” of skills acquisition, which are described as “technical literature” and can be supported by the process of such modelling or coaching. By applying a method such as modelling, coaching and also cognitive training, all three skills described in the “experience literature” are supported in the phase of acquisition, which is described as “technical literature.” [Sources: 8, 10, 12]


The cognitive apprenticeship model is embodied in the pedagogical strategy that underlies the theory of situated learning. Part of the effectiveness of this cognitive teaching model is based on the theories of “situated cognition” and comes from the context in which we learn. As shown in Figure 7, this context is learned through the application of cognitive training as part of a training program. [Sources: 10, 11]


In many situations where cognitive learning is enabled, the subjects must be observed performing behaviours without the intervention of an observer on the ground. The integration of the observation system into the normal observation site makes it possible to improve its effectiveness during cognitive training. This allows the use of cognitive training as a means of improving the effectiveness of observation systems within the framework of the Cognitive Apprentice model. Take the observation system out of the “normal” observation room and enable it to improve its effectiveness under cognitive training. [Sources: 4, 9]


This experience is closely linked to the training model of learning, which can be effective in improving identification with science. This model is typically necessary for new learners in this field and can be repeated at different stages of learning. In the cognitive training model, scaffolding is the support offered to learners when they develop their skills. The teacher or expert shows the learner the desired knowledge and skills and this model can then be repeated in the next level of learning. [Sources: 2, 6, 11]


Cognitive training should enable students to actively practice what they have learned in a phoney world or real life, not only in the classroom, but also in real situations. [Sources: 6]


In addition, cognitive teaching methods seek to educate students through activities and social interactions with authentic practice. Similarly, our approach to learning is a social, collaborative process, in which knowledge is acquired and contextually linked to the environment and the situation in which it is learned. In cognitive training, immersion in the culture of practice can only be promoted through social interaction with other learners and practitioners. A side effect is the ability to develop learning organizations (see references to Garvin, Edmondson and Gino). [Sources: 5, 6, 11]


Teachers should read the full article by Allan Collins and John Seely Brown on Cognitive Apprenticeship Training or read it here. [Sources: 0]


Chiu, Chou and Liu (2002) conducted an experimental study that focused on mental models constructed in a cognitive teaching context. The researchers developed a hands-on activity that comprises three components: modelling, coaching and scaffolding, the first three of which are at the core of cognitive training and help with cognitive and metacognitive development. They consist of three different types of activities, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. [Sources: 3, 8, 10]


Cognitive training develops the thinking and results that are required in today’s workplace. Here I will put in the elements that make a valuable contribution and talk about some of the additional extensions I have written about here. [Sources: 0, 5]


The telepresence of EUR ™ – activated virtual reality (VR) applications is evaluated for use in a variety of applications such as video conferencing, video chat and voice communication. Their potential impact on the quality of life and productivity of employees can be assessed in the context of the current state of VR technology and the future potential. It is possible to evaluate the possibility of a future version of this technology, made possible by telePresence. [Sources: 9]


A study is being carried out to determine the effects of virtual reality on the students of the Denizli Apprenticeship Training Center. The results show that the development of creativity is important to develop the cognitive abilities of the students and to cope with the emotional aspects, which are often neglected. [Sources: 2, 7]


New knowledge is generated when the learner passes through the four stages outlined below, and it is assumed that learning can begin at any stage of this cycle. Cognitive training is most effective when the learning process, which takes place in real time in a high frequency context, is spread over time. Cognitive training is most successful when it takes place at a low frequency and time-distributed time, as in the case of virtual reality and augmented reality. [Sources: 9, 11]































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