Cathy Moore Action Mapping

Cathy Moore’s Action Mapping: Revolutionizing Instructional Design

In the dynamic field of instructional design, Cathy Moore Action Mapping stands out as a groundbreaking approach. This learner-centric model, crafted by renowned instructional designer Cathy Moore, has reshaped the way educators and corporate trainers design learning experiences. At its core, Action Mapping focuses on achieving real-world performance goals rather than merely transmitting information.

Originating as a response to traditional, content-heavy instructional methods, Action Mapping challenges educators to start with the end in mind. It asks a pivotal question: “What do learners need to do with the information, rather than just know?” This shift towards action-oriented learning underscores Moore’s philosophy: engaging learners in practical activities that directly relate to their job performance or real-life applications.

Action Mapping is particularly relevant in online education. It advocates for concise, interactive, and scenario-based learning modules, moving away from lengthy lectures or text-heavy courses. This approach aligns perfectly with the digital age’s demand for quick, impactful learning experiences that respect the learner’s time and intelligence.

The method is characterized by four critical steps: identifying business goals, pinpointing what learners need to do to achieve these goals, designing activities that enable these actions, and selecting content strictly necessary to complete the activities. By doing so, Action Mapping ensures that every piece of content and every activity directly contributes to the learning objectives, making it an incredibly efficient and effective instructional design strategy.

Cathy Moore’s Action Mapping has been widely adopted in various sectors, from corporate training to higher education, revolutionizing how instructional content is created and delivered. Its emphasis on practical application, engagement, and efficiency makes it a vital tool for any educator or instructional designer looking to make a tangible impact in their learners’ professional and personal lives.

Understanding the Fundamentals of Cathy Moore’s Action Mapping

Cathy Moore’s Action Mapping is a transformative approach in instructional design, focusing on actionable learning rather than just knowledge dissemination. This method, deeply rooted in cognitive psychology, emphasizes the need for learners to actively engage with the content, fostering a deeper understanding and retention.

In this model, designers begin by identifying the desired performance outcomes, then work backwards to create learning activities that directly support these objectives. This ensures that every element of the training is aligned with the learner’s needs and the organization’s goals.

The emphasis on action rather than passive consumption of information makes Action Mapping a powerful tool in contemporary education and training environments. By leveraging this approach, educators and trainers can create more effective and engaging learning experiences that resonate with learners and produce measurable results. Explore more about this innovative approach on Cathy Moore’s blog here.

Implementing Action Mapping in E-Learning Design

Integrating Action Mapping into e-learning design revolutionizes the online educational experience. It’s about creating a digital learning environment where activities are not just informative but are designed to simulate real-world challenges and decision-making.

This method facilitates deeper engagement by prompting learners to apply their knowledge in practical, often complex, scenarios. By doing so, e-learning modules become more than just a transfer of information; they become a testing ground for skills and decision-making.

Action Mapping in e-learning also aligns well with empathic instructional design, which is essential for creating courses that are truly learner-centered. By focusing on the learner’s experience and outcomes, designers can create e-learning courses that are not only informative but also emotionally engaging and relevant. To understand more about empathic instructional design, read further here.

Aligning Business Goals with Learning Outcomes in Action Mapping

Action Mapping is particularly effective in aligning business goals with learning outcomes. It starts with a clear understanding of what the organization aims to achieve and then designs learning experiences that directly contribute to these objectives.

This alignment ensures that training programs are not just educational but also strategic tools in achieving business goals. By focusing on what learners need to do differently, Action Mapping translates educational content into tangible business results.

This approach is a departure from traditional education models that often prioritize content over application. By aligning learning objectives with business goals, Action Mapping ensures that the training is relevant, targeted, and has a direct impact on organizational performance. For a deeper understanding of this alignment, you can read more here.

Engaging Learners with Interactive Design: Insights from Action Mapping

Interactive design is a cornerstone of Action Mapping, involving learners in a way that traditional instructional methods often fail to achieve. This approach leverages interactive elements like simulations, gamified learning experiences, and scenario-based activities to engage learners actively.

These interactive designs are not just for engagement; they are carefully crafted to mirror real-life situations, thus preparing learners for actual job challenges. By doing so, Action Mapping elevates the learning experience from theoretical knowledge to practical skill application.

This approach resonates particularly well with discovery learning, where learners are encouraged to explore and find solutions independently. Action Mapping’s interactive design elements facilitate this exploration, making learning an active, engaging process. For more insights on discovery learning, visit this link.

Streamlining Content: The Key Principle of Action Mapping

At the heart of Action Mapping is the principle of streamlining content to focus on what is absolutely necessary for achieving the desired outcomes. This method challenges instructional designers to critically evaluate each piece of content for its direct relevance and impact on learning objectives.

By removing extraneous information, learners are not overwhelmed with unnecessary details, allowing them to concentrate on the most critical aspects of their training. This focused approach not only makes learning more efficient but also more effective, as learners are not distracted by irrelevant information.

Streamlined content in Action Mapping aligns with cognitive apprenticeship models, where learning is focused on acquiring skills through guided experience and reflection. By focusing on essential content, Action Mapping supports a more efficient learning process, similar to cognitive apprenticeship. For more on cognitive apprenticeship, explore this resource.

Case Studies: Success Stories Using Cathy Moore’s Action Mapping

The effectiveness of Cathy Moore’s Action Mapping is best illustrated through various success stories and case studies. These real-world examples showcase how organizations have transformed their training programs, leading to significant improvements in learner engagement and performance outcomes.

From corporate training to academic settings, these case studies highlight the versatility of Action Mapping in different contexts. They demonstrate how this approach can be customized to meet specific learning needs and organizational goals, proving its effectiveness across diverse sectors.

These success stories not only inspire but also provide practical insights into implementing Action Mapping in various scenarios. For an in-depth look at how Action Mapping has been successfully applied, check out this article by Jahan Kay on LinkedIn here.

The Role of Scenario-Based Learning in Action Mapping

Scenario-based learning plays a pivotal role in Cathy Moore’s Action Mapping, bridging the gap between theory and practice. This approach immerses learners in realistic situations, challenging them to apply their knowledge in a controlled yet dynamic environment.

Scenarios are designed to reflect the complexities and ambiguities of real-world situations, providing a safe space for learners to experiment and learn from their mistakes. This experiential learning approach not only enhances problem-solving skills but also prepares learners for actual job challenges.

The incorporation of scenario-based learning in Action Mapping is a testament to its emphasis on practical application and performance-based outcomes. It ensures that learning is not just an academic exercise but a preparation for real-world action and decision-making.

Measuring Impact: Evaluating Learning through Action Mapping

Evaluating the impact of learning is a critical aspect of Cathy Moore’s Action Mapping, ensuring that training programs are not just educational but also effective. This evaluation goes beyond traditional metrics like completion rates or test scores, focusing on how the training translates into improved performance.

Action Mapping encourages the use of performance-based assessments, where learners demonstrate their ability to apply what they’ve learned in real or simulated job tasks. This approach provides a more accurate measure of the training’s effectiveness, directly linking learning outcomes to job performance.

By prioritizing measurable impact, Action Mapping aligns training with organizational objectives, ensuring that investment in learning and development yields tangible results. This focus on evaluation underscores the practical nature of Action Mapping, making it a valuable tool in any learning and development strategy.

Advanced Techniques in Action Mapping for Experienced Designers

For experienced instructional designers, Action Mapping offers a wealth of advanced techniques to explore. These techniques involve integrating complex scenarios, leveraging advanced technologies, and employing sophisticated assessment methods to enhance learning experiences.

These advanced methods are particularly effective in creating training programs that are not only informative but also deeply engaging and challenging. They push the boundaries of traditional instructional design, fostering innovation and creativity in the learning process.

Experienced designers utilizing Action Mapping can create highly customized and effective learning solutions, tailored to meet specific learner needs and organizational goals. These advanced techniques underscore the flexibility and adaptability of Action Mapping, making it a powerful tool in the arsenal of any seasoned instructional designer.

Integrating Technology and Tools in Action Mapping Strategy

The integration of technology and tools is a crucial component in the implementation of Action Mapping strategies. This involves leveraging digital platforms, interactive media, and data analytics to enhance the learning experience and achieve desired outcomes.

By incorporating technology, Action Mapping becomes even more effective in creating engaging, interactive, and personalized learning experiences. Tools like virtual reality, gamification, and adaptive learning systems can transform traditional training modules into immersive and impactful learning journeys.

This technological integration not only enhances learner engagement but also provides valuable data insights, enabling continuous improvement and customization of learning experiences. The use of technology in Action Mapping exemplifies its commitment to innovation and effectiveness in instructional design.

Exploring the Basics of Cathy Moore Action Mapping

It takes experience and technology to guide your SME team through the core of their training needs. I need to explain the basics of action mapping, how to group groups and how to do new action mapping with the old content-based approach. Before holding an SME meeting with Cathy Moore’s action mapping model, I plan to read her blog and find out that her model is a clear model that is not as easy to implement as it seems. [Sources: 10]Cathy Moore Action Mapping

Framework and Methodology of Action Mapping

Action mapping is a framework, method and process that helps leading designers design business training courses. The main goal of Action Map is to enable L & D teams and organizations design activities that increase the absorbing and retention of knowledge whether in training formats, including digital learning courses. To understand and implement action mapping, digital learning designers create courses that motivate learners with real activities that allow them to practice learning skills through simple presentations without throwing information in their faces. [Sources: 8]

Streamlined Process for Business Training Design

Action mapping is a streamlined process for designing training courses for the business world. It is a hotchpotch of performance consulting and backward design that focuses on behavioral assessment issues in the real world. Action mapping is effective in analyzing performance problems, finding solutions, and designing activities that challenge learners and help them practice learning knowledge. [Sources: 8, 9]

Historical Development of Action Mapping

Action Mapping is a popular design process used by learning designers and was developed in 2008 by Cathy Moore. Design eLearning presented action mapping as its design model and how it works for all kinds of in-company training, as shown in this workshop. [Sources: 9, 11]

Aligning Business Goals with Learning Design

Action Mapping encourages learning designers to identify measurable business goals as a first step in design learning. Action mapping is based on the premise that many e-learning and other training activities take place with real business objectives in mind. [Sources: 11]

Emphasizing Practical Application Over Information Delivery

When it comes to education design, the emphasis is on what people need to be able to do and not what they need to know to make a difference. This leads to activities that focus on education and not on traditional information presentation. If you follow Cathy Moore’s flow chart, you’ll find that exercise is not the answer. [Sources: 5, 11]

Addressing Productivity and Performance Goals

However, not all targets are productivity issues that can be addressed with training, and not all training can be done in VR. You may need to improve your course to achieve the performance goals your organization needs. The harder the training, the softer the abilities people have to mix behavior with goals. [Sources: 3, 10, 13]

Streamlining the Learning Design Process

Action Mapping is a design method developed by Cathy Moore to streamline and simplify the design process. It can be used to get your learning projects off the ground, manage the scope, and set the direction for your designs. Action mapping strategies involve strict controls on the selection of activities and games you offer in multimedia courses. [Sources: 0, 3, 7]

Focusing on Problem-Solving and Relevant Solutions

One of the first steps in action mapping is to focus on the problem at hand and the definition of the appropriate solution. As Moore suggests, measurable business goals help you design relevant activities, identify important content, evaluate success, and demonstrate the value of your education. If a training course is not designed at the outset with a goal or purpose in mind, it gives the opportunity to identify the information required to reach that goal. [Sources: 0, 4]

Bridging the Gap Between Designers and Business Objectives

This framework bridges the gap between 3D artists and SMEs in order to create effective, engaged and relevant learning. The focus is on alignment with business objectives and not just on providing information. [Sources: 0, 13]

Continuous Learning and Scenario Question Design

We pride ourselves on focusing on solving, and our book club makes us think more about what we could do differently to start our learning projects. Our tutorial designers have been working with Cathy Moore’s Scenario Question Design on the intricacies of mapping all of this, and they are joining workshops to discuss how they can improve their own scenario question designs. [Sources: 2]

Analyzing Performance Problems with Action Mapping

There is a specific performance problem in our organization. Our team believes in true cross-functionality and continuous learning and we have an open club for the entire company. Cathy Moore summarizes the action mapping process in Map It which provides a framework for analyzing learning problems and providing the right solution to each problem based on what we have read, including the stellar assessments we have found, so that we knew that we would find something worth investigating. [Sources: 2, 13]

Combatting Information Dumps in e-Learning

To answer your question, many e-learning users use passive information presentations or information dumps in which the cognitive involvement of the learner is zero. This is not always the case, but in a minority of situations it can be helpful to pass information on to people. Instead of including a lot of information in a quiz, Moore claims that action mapping leads to real actions that actually provide information. [Sources: 4, 6]

Targeting Essential Learning Objectives

Identify the business objective, focus the course on what the learner needs to know and add relevant information. In this way, you can incorporate essential

points and avoid the inclusion of additional, unnecessary information. [Sources: 4]

Real-World Scenario Creation for Effective Learning

When the course designer creates a situation in the real world, the job context notes are ready. They provide an accurate picture of the situations, dilemmas and decisions that the learner will face in real life. When creating activities, these notes will help you choose the right scenarios, the right avatars and the real personalities that students will encounter, decisions and predicaments to which they can relate. [Sources: 3]

Exercise Activities and Avoiding Information Dumping

This can lead to things like exercise activities and information presentation. Cathy explains that the action mapping model helps us to avoid information dumping and to create more activity centers for training. When you start action mapping, you have a list of what people need to do at work to achieve change, but you avoid jumping to what people actually need to know and then what they need to ask – which makes it difficult to do. [Sources: 5]


Cathy Moore Action Mapping by Dr Parvati Gala
Dr Parvati Gala

Action Mapping for ELearning


Action Mapping and Activity Design with Cathy Moore


Why eLearning Can Never Be Boring: Q&A with Cathy Moore

Action mapping: A visual approach to training design

Action mapping


ELC 047: The Action Mapping Alternative


How to use Action Mapping as a Framework for VR learning design


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